Trinity River Kayak Day Trip in TX: A Perfect Saturday Morning Adventure

There’s nothing like spending a Saturday morning surrounded by nature, especially when it involves a peaceful yet exhilarating Trinity River kayak trip in Texas.

hanging out on the trinity river in tx

My husband and I last minute as usual, decided to kick off our weekend with a kayak adventure, and it turned out to be the perfect way to unwind and connect with the great outdoors.

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The Beauty of the Dam and Serene Surroundings

As we arrived to the Trinity River Kayak Co., the scenery was nothing short of stunning.

Located at: 1601 E Sandy Lake Rd, Coppell, TX 75019

Phone: (214) 513-0649

The dam was particularly beautiful, with the sunlight dancing off the water as it cascaded over the edge.

the dam at the trinity river kayak co in tx

There was a brief safety chat by staff, they handed out the life jackets and we boarded the tiny bus for the short trip out to the launch site.

A Warm, Sunny Morning on the River

The day couldn’t have been more beautiful—sunny and super warm, just the way a September Texas summer morning should be.

We set off on our journey in a tandem kayak, though there were plenty of single kayaks available for those who prefer to paddle solo.

kayak choices solor or tandem

The staff at the launch site were incredibly friendly and made sure we were all set with life jackets and any last-minute advice before we hit the water.

launching kayaks on the trinity river in tx

It was so serene, and to our delight, the river wasn’t crowded at all. This was a view of a local golf course we happened upon!

view on trinity river

We only passed about four other kayakers during our three-and-a-half-hour trip, making the experience feel even more peaceful.

bridge on trinity river

A Thrilling Encounter with Nature

Of course, no river adventure is complete without some nature and this kayak experience did not disappoint. We saw tons of fish, turtles, and birds.

heron on tree in trinity river

Then it happened…a little excitement. At one point, we spotted a snake slithering near the bank, which definitely freaked me out! But remember, we are in a kayak for two, so I felt safe. LOL

snake in the trinity river in tx

But in hindsight, it added a bit of thrill to our otherwise calm journey. Encounters like these are part of what makes kayaking in Texas so memorable—there’s always an element of the unexpected.

A Must-Do Again (Maybe in Cooler Months)

By the end of our trip, we were already talking about doing it again, possibly with another couple and during the cooler months when the Texas heat isn’t quite so intense.

kayaking on the trinity river in tx

The Trinity River is such a gem, and having the opportunity to explore it by kayak is something we’ll definitely be repeating.

Essentials to Bring on a River Trip

If you’re planning a kayaking trip on the Trinity River or any river for that matter, there are a few essentials you’ll want to bring along to ensure you have the best experience possible:

  • Plastic Phone Protector: Keep your phone and wallet safe and dry while capturing those unforgettable moments.
  • Spray Bottle Mister: Perfect for cooling off when the sun gets a little too intense.
  • Swim Shoes: Protect your feet while getting in and out of the kayak.
  • Sunscreen: A must for any outdoor activity, especially in Texas!
  • Water Bottle: Stay hydrated—trust me, you’ll need it.
  • Sunglasses: Protect your eyes from the bright sun reflecting off the water.
  • Snacks: We made the mistake of not bringing any, and we definitely regretted it. Pack a few to keep your energy up throughout the trip.

A kayak trip down the Trinity River is a fantastic way to spend a Saturday morning, especially when you’re looking to escape the hustle and bustle and reconnect with nature.

Whether you’re an experienced kayaker or a newbie, this adventure is one you won’t want to miss!

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